

Koelner Landstr. 11, 40591 Duesseldorf

Phone (0211) 76 26 69 or 98 96 94 10

Mail info@hautaerzte-duesseldorf.de

Surgery hours

Mon, Tue and Thu
  8:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday    8:00am - 1:00pm
Friday    8:00am - 1:00pm


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UV-Phototherapy - natural formation of vitamin D

Many people suffer from lack of vitamin D because of the lack of sunlight in our latitudes. This lack may raise the risk for cancer, immune disorders and osteoporosis. 

The skin can be stimulated to produce naturally vitamin D via a selective UVB spectrum. Accompanying the natural formation of vitamin D, we offer skin cancer screening as well as a blood analysis of the level of vitamin D.